Project 1 Presentations

This is the post for the Friday, September 4, 2015 class meeting.

Project 1 Rubric

May your upcoming Labor Day weekend contain no labor.I updated the numbers, and I think they may work. We’ll find out when I start grading this weekend. Remember that the standards won’t change, but the rubric’s appearance and numbers may.

Project 1 Presentations

You will have about two minutes each to introduce yourself to the class and say a few words about your image. We’ll follow the order in the Discussions thread.

  • Relax! You’re just talking to friends.
  • Make eye contact with your classmates (Don’t stare at me).
  • Tell us who you are.
  • Explain what your image depicts (if it’s not obvious).
  • Say a few words about why/how it represents you.
  • Make sure I give you a "Like" on your image. That’s how I’ll track who has presented.


For Monday (9/7), have a pleasant day off. Be safe! Go Hokies!

For Wednesday’s session (9/9), do the following before class: