Project 4: Remix a Story

Worth 25% of your course grade

Calendar IconImportant Dates

  • TBD: In-class pitch of your topic (2 minutes)
  • Nov 18: Project 4 Peer Review
  • Nov 30: Project 4: Remix due by 11:59 PM
  • Dec 2, 4, 7, & 9: Project 4 presentations
  • Dec 9: End of grace period for Project 4. No work is accepted after 11:59 PM.


Icon showing code bracketswrite and design web content, use digital images (and if appropriate, video and audio), and recognize basic HTML and CSS syntax. Tablet icon showing text and image on the screenexplore how linguistic text (words), images, and layout combine to communicate with an audience. Recycling iconrecycle an existing story into something new and interesting.

The Project AssignmentElectric hand mixer icon, signifying the remix project

You will take an existing story (fiction or nonfiction) and translate it into a new, digital, multimodal version. You will present your new version of the story in class at the end of the semester.

The idea of remaking an old story in a new way should be familiar to you. Anytime a movie is made that is based on a book, those involved are creating a new multimodal version of the original. You are not limited to making a movie-version of your text however. Nearly anything goes. You need to use at least three modes of communication. You may stick closely to the original version of the story or event, or you may reimagine the story from another perspective. Your options are open for this assignment. Choose something you want to explore. You should enjoy this project.

Step-by-Step Details

#1 in a maroon circleStep 1: Choose a form and approach.
Choose a format that will use at least three modes of communication, and decide what aspect(s) of the original you will remix. Check the Story Remix Possibilities and the related links on that page for more ideas. Remember that taking risks matters, so you can choose a format that you want to learn. The one guideline is that you have to be able to publish the finished piece in your WordPress portfolio. Check the possibilities for embedding whatever format you are thinking ahead of time.

#2 in an orange circleStep 2: Pitch your project.
You will explain your plans for your project, relying on the ideas in Writer/Designer, Chapter 3 (especially pp. 54–56).

Use the questions on p. 56 of Writer/Designer to plan what you want to say. You will need to identify the original story, your remix plans, the genre you are planning to use, and how you are incorporating risk.

#3 in a maroon circleStep 3: Develop and refine your project.
Following the resources in Writer/Designer, Chapter 4, 5, 6 and 7, you will collect sources and assets, design your citations, develop mock-ups and storyboards, and draft and revise your project (from rough cut to rough draft to final project). You can find full details on all these tasks in the textbook, and we will discuss them in class.

#4 in an orange circleStep 4: Present your project.
Following the resources in Writer/Designer, Chapter 8, you will deliver and present your remixed story. You will have approximately 5 to 6 minutes for your class presentation. In your presentation, you will focus on sharing details about how you worked and the decisions that you made. Use the information on pp. 132–135 of Writer/Designer to determine what information to include.

You will create a digital presentation, using Google slides, Prezi, or a similar tool. Email me the URL to your Google Slides by midnight on the day before your presentation (no grace period).

#5 in a maroon circleStep 5: Submit your project.
When you are finished with the project, you will submit the URL to your project in the Assignment tool in Canvas. Details on how to submit your work will be included in the post for the due date (November 30).